04 Δεκεμβρίου, 2008

mysantorini.com blog goes live!

Hello Bloggers,

Welcome to mysantorini.com blog!

This would be our corner to share all the news in mysantorini.com website, like new Santorini hotels in our listings, new available tours (private, semi – private, organized etc.), ferry schedules, new services in general and all the changes in our web site.

We invite you to share your experiences from mysantorini.com or your holidays in Santorini.

Was the hotel as you expected to be?

Did you enjoy our tour and what do you suggest to future travelers?

What do we need to change or add to our services?

Our hopes are that this will provide a fun and exciting way to explore Santorini in a better way!

Those are some of our expectations of this blog. Enjoy it and come with us to this Santorini web experience...!

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